Shui is now in Beta!

    Transform Your Test 
    in Seconds

    Shui revolutionizes QA with AI-powered testing. Upload your designs or requirements, and Shui plans, designs, executes, analyzes, and reports on your tests—effortlessly.

    product preview

    Revolutionize Your Testing Process

    Shui transforms software testing into a simple, fast, and automated experience.

    Input Integration

    Upload designs or requirements for AI analysis.

    AI Test Generation

    Auto-generate tailored, comprehensive test cases.

    Automated Execution

    Run tests with a single click for rapid results.

    Insights Dashboard

    Review detailed analytics to enhance app quality.

    Start Testing in Minutes

    Step 1

    Sign Up

    Create your account and choose a plan that fits your needs.

    Step 2


    Upload your designs or requirements for AI analysis.

    Step 3


    Generate and run tests with a single click.